


  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution with an appropriate major (preferably 大多数专业的教育-请参阅您的项目的具体要求 应用),
  • 优秀的本科成绩;
  • 完成所有本科和研究生学位的正式成绩单;
  • Two recommendations – these may fulfilled by having the recommender complete the Wilkes’ 推荐表格或写推荐信. 信件必须是最新的,并且与健康有关 研究生学习. 一份推荐信应该来自你现在的主管.

Most 项目 also require a copy of your state teaching certificate, but students should refer to the specific requirements for the program to which they desire admission.

If it has been at least three weeks since all of your documents were mailed and you have not heard anything regarding your application status, you should contact Graduate 电话:800-945-5378. 4236. 有可能物品从未到达. If 丢失的可能是官方成绩单或推荐信 想要跟进发送邮件的个人或机构.

Currently, only those students that applied 在线 can manage their admission status 在线. 这些学生可以登录到他们申请的招生页面 他们创建的登录并查看状态和收到的项目. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜预计 将来所有学生都可以使用这个功能.

所有学生可以联系研究生招生联系电话800-945-5378,分机. 4236  了解是否所有的项目已收到,并找出状态. 然而,学生 are encouraged to wait at least two weeks after having sent items to Wilkes before 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜看看我们是否收到了.

一旦你的文件完成,它将被发送到部门进行审查. 平均来说 takes 2-4 weeks for you to receive a decision letter in the mail from the Graduate 研究部门. 如果四周后你仍未收到决定信, 请致电研究生教育办公室800-945-5378,分机. 4236.


The WIN (Wilkes Identification Number) is your student ID that you use for the entire 你和推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在一起的时候. 大学不再使用社会保险 数字作为主要标识符. 新生收到一封学生的来信 Service Center, which contains their Wilkes ID number and their email account information 通常在申请被处理后的两周内.

如果你不知道你的WIN,你必须联系帮助台1-866-264-1462. 他们 will ask a series of questions verifying information before they send you your WIN. 一般办公室职员禁止将此信息泄露出去 电话或电子邮件.

The 门户网站 is a secure 在线 site that allows students, faculty, and staff members 为了获得大学的服务,他们需要24/7. 学生可以查看成绩, get unofficial transcripts, pay tuition, register for classes, as well as a variety 其他的东西. 你可以在任何一台电脑上登录,只要你认识你的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 电子邮件用户名和密码. 的任何页面都可以访问该门户 点击“快速链接”或点击任何黄色的“我的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜”按钮 你看. 出于安全原因,在离开前一定要记得注销 然后关闭浏览器窗口.

学生s may view their academic transcript and print an unofficial copy 在线 through 传送门中的传送门.推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.学生服务选项卡下的edu. 向下滚动到“我的” Transcripts” your options are: “Send Electronic Transcript” “Send/Pick Up Paper Transcript" 查看/打印非官方成绩单

*请注意,为了使电子成绩单成为“官方”,它们必须 直接发送给您的第三方.  你可以从注册主任/记录员那里获得表格 channel on the 学生服务 tab or go to the Registrar/Recorder transcript area 下载成绩单申请表格.

For students who receive tuition reimbursement from their employer, tuition deferment 是否有可用的付款方式. 学费延期需要学生填写 每学期雇主延期表格. 付款将需要在 不得迟于课程结束后30天前往推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.


  • 登录到门户.推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.输入您的Wilkes用户名和密码
  • 选择 学生 TAB键并选择 学生服务 从下拉菜单中
  • Select 分期付款 然后按照步骤付款.
  • 请务必在退出系统之前打印收据.

学生s may consult with the 金融援助 Director, (or at off campus sites, with 关于奖学金和贷款信息的财务援助代表 项目. 任何有关收费和付款的问题,请致电(570) 408-4960或1-800-WILKESU分机4960或发邮件至billing@推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.edu. 支付 can be made by check, credit card, or cash in person at the Bursar’s Office located 32w. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜-巴雷的南街.

学生可以利用网络来获得这些服务. 学生,谁知道他们的 email log in and password, can easily log into the 门户网站 and click on the 学生 “服务”选项卡查看成绩、付款和获取收据. 有什么问题吗 charges and payments should be directed to (570) 408-4960 or 1-800-WILKESU extension 或者你可以发电子邮件 billing@推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.edu.


Satisfactory completion of all requirements for a master’s degree is to be done within 自首次申请之日起六个日历年.

如果你没有在Desire2Learn中看到你的课程,你的老师可能还在 编辑课程. 请记住,课程内容要到考试前一天才会公布 课程开始.  如果你在课程开课当天没有看到课程, 请给你的导师发邮件.


  • 登录推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜传送门.
    • 你的用户名是名字.姓.
    • 您的初始密码是:您的姓氏大写首字母,小写首字母 您的名字的最后6位数字,您的WIN.
  • 在左侧的快速链接下,选择LIVE.  
    如果您更改了密码,请输入当前密码. 如果你不知道你的 密码,请联系帮助台helpdesk@推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.Edu,这样你就可以更新了 正好赶上上课.

If you've been taking courses as a non-degree student but now want to enroll for the master's degree, you must submit a new Wilkes 研究生 application as a degree-seeking 候选人. 你不需要重新支付申请费. 但是,你必须派我们去 the required official transcripts, two letters of recommendation, and a copy of your 教师资格证(如适用于本专业). 请参阅入学要求 申请的专业,请在最近的研究生公报或 这个项目的网页.

Email a copy of either a marriage certificate, social security card, divorce decree 或其他法律文件提交给推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的赞助人,我们将处理您的申请 姓名更改将反映在成绩单,成绩报告等. 记得提供 你与学校所有通信的WIN.

请直接与您的指导老师联系.  地址更改可通过电话(ext: 4670或4671)或电邮(GradEd@推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.edu). 记得提供您的姓名和WIN 联系大学时.

If you are a currently enrolled degree student, but want to change your major, you must submit a Change of Major Form, with your name and WIN#, indicating the new degree 您现在希望参加的课程.

If an extension beyond the six-year limit is needed, a Program Extension Request Form should be completed and submitted along with a letter explaining the reason for the extension and a detailed plan of how and when you plan to complete the remaining courses.

You must register to 研究生 no later than 90 days prior to date of expected graduation. 毕业典礼在5月、8月下旬和1月进行. 你即将完成的学期 the last course for your Wilkes degree register for "毕业-GRD OOOB", regardless 你是否会参加毕业典礼. 毕业费要加到那个学期的学费里 Wilkes invoice and you are sent a mailing from the 学生 Service Center with additional 毕业批准许可所需的文件.

If you receive a restriction error message when registering for GRD-OOOB, please contact 研究生教育办公室,800-推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,分机. 4671,查询问题. 请 note: you must be officially "接受ed" into a master's degree program in order to 研究生.

Graduates may participate in the next commencement ceremony held if desired, or your 文凭可以邮寄.

Note: The Financial Management Office is prohibited from signing any graduation clearance 表格,直到所有未付学费余额全部付清为止.


All students receive a Wilkes email account and are expected to use it as their primary 在大学注册期间开立账户. 如果您没有为类注册 在接下来的学期,你的电子邮件账户将在学期结束时被删除. If this occurs you will need to contact the Help Desk (1-866-264-1462) to have your account 下次注册课程时重新激活.

As a Wilkes student, you can access numerous databases, such as EbscoHost, Lexis-Nexis, CQ电子图书馆,和CCH税务网络,为您的研究需求. 学生应该 log in to the 门户网站 and click on the library tab to gain access to the wide range 的可用资源. 也可以访问图书馆网页获取更多信息.

Wilkes maintains parking areas around campus, and use of these facilities on weekdays 直到下午4:30.m. 只能凭许可证. 除了居民停车场,这些区域都是 周末研究生停车,下午4:30以后开放.m. 平日里,没有 一个许可证. 停车许可证是根据申请人的不同时间表签发的 与大学的关系和停车位的可用性.


If you do not have the above sign-in information call the Help Desk @ 1-866-264-1462.

Yes, the Installment Payment Plan allows for the tuition and fees and related charges 余额将分成可管理的每月付款. 登记分期付款 付款计划必须在每学期开始时完成,并支付25美元.00每 将收取学期费. 秋季和春季学期的付款将 五(5)次相等的分期付款,夏季学期为三(3)次。.


If you do not have the above sign-in information call the Help Desk @ 1-866-264-1462.

Once signed into the payment page, select “Authorize Users” form the menu on the top 并完成所请求的信息以创建密码. 一定要 包括一个电子邮件地址,以确保您的授权付款人将收到密码 确认,然后当电子账单可用时将收到一封电子邮件. 一旦 authorized payer is established, the email address and password are the only requirements 要访问帐户.